University of Botswana
Department of Biological Sciences
Prof. Dr. Kerstin Andrae-Marobela
Foto: Günther Bauer
Dr. Marks Kgosimotse Ditlhogo
PhD students:
Ms. Boingotlo Raphane
PhD topic:
Identification and characterization of traditional medicinal plants as sources of anti‐HIV and HIV anti‐latency therapeutic natural products
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. K. Andrae‐Marobela, Dr. M. Leteane, Dr. M. Ditlhogo
Mr. Khumongwana Pilara
PhD topic:
The application of multi‐angle light scattering spectroscopy (MALS) as a low‐cost diagnostic tool for patient‐centered efficacy determination of TB and HIV treatment regimen
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. K. Andrae-Marobela